Looking for more control over your financial future?

We know the requirements of running a Self Managed Super Fund

Over one million Australians have chosen to have their own self managed super fund (SMSF).  Many of our clients have found that a SMSF has given them more control and visibility over their investments in order to meet their retirement goals.

While there are advantages in using a SMSF, there are also many obligations that you need to be aware of. You need to comply with strict rules, complex legislation and frequent changes. And if you get it wrong along the way there are significant penalties.

Our accountants have extensive experience in the tax and compliance issues specific to self managed super funds.

With expert guidance, you’ll have peace of mind that you’re ticking all the right boxes and avoiding any risk of non-compliance. Read our case studies to find out how we’ve been able to help our SMSF clients.

Clients Rob and Susie had recently retired at the age of 65 years and had approximately $1,000,000 each in their self managed superannuation fund. Fortunately, leading up to this day, they’d had specific advice from their financial planner to ensure they had enough money to retire.

Good news: as their SMSF was 100% in pension phase, there is no income tax on any investment earnings.

They provided us with their documented financial planning and investment strategy and couldn’t be happier.

We set up a system that automatically captured a lot of the paperwork that we needed to complete the financial statements, tax returns and requirements of the independent auditor. No more posting paperwork to us.

Rob and Susie are very comfortable that they have advisers to look after their superannuation interests and to ensure it all complies with taxation and superannuation legislation. This means that they can travel the country and enjoy their retirement.

Will I get any tax benefits when I retire?

John and Carol received a letter from the ATO advising that they had a high concentration in an asset class – in their case, property.

The superannuation legislation requires an investment strategy to be in place. Their financial planner had already prepared an investment strategy that considered the following matters which form part of a compliant investment strategy:

  • diversification
  • the risks associated with inadequate diversification
  • how the likely return from their investments measures up to their retirement objectives
  • the liquidity (cashflow) of their investments, and
  • member insurance needs

We also confirmed with the SMSF auditor that the investment strategy would comply.

After our meeting, John and Carol had comfort that they were complying with the ATO rules. The cost of a non-compliant investment strategy may have resulted in an ATO administration penalty of $4,200 per trustee.

Investment strategy for self managed super fund

Self Managed Super Funds must have a trust deed to set out the rules of the fund. This deed, along with superannuation legislation, form the fund’s governing rules and dictate how the fund can operate.

Changes in superannuation legislation have a tendency to age SMSF trust deeds. If your deed was written a long time ago, or wasn’t drafted well to begin with, you may find that it doesn’t allow you to do the things you want to do.

Which was the case with our client, Mark, who was approaching retirement age. He needed his SMSF to accommodate a new contribution strategy and have some flexibility with estate planning matters. He also wanted to take advantage of new legislation around income streams that his financial planner had recommended.

After a review of his deed we found that it fell short of Mark’s expectations and needed some enhancements, which our superannuation team were able to organise. Mark’s upgraded deed is modern, robust and flexible and will cater to his superannuation strategy and changes to legislation as they develop.

Self Managed Super Fund deed update

Clients Sam and Debbie, both in their early forties, had diversified investments in shares, some rental properties and their family home. They were keen to buy a commercial property and approached us to find out if it was possible to borrow through their existing SMSF.

We reviewed their trust deed and confirmed that it was possible to borrow through their SMSF.

We further explained that there would be quite a lot of legal documentation required to ensure compliance with the ATO and SIS legislation which would include, amongst other things, the setup of a Bare Trust for the borrowing.

We then suggested that Sam and Debbie obtain specific advice regarding their strategy from a licensed financial planner. They also had a meeting with their banker to understand their requirements.

This was not an easy process but at the end of the day, they found a great commercial property that met their retirement strategy goals.

If you are looking to borrow through a SMSF, it’s vital to obtain professional advice before signing a contract to ensure you understand the benefits, risks and costs associated with a SMSF.

Can a self managed super fund borrow money for an asset?

Note: These are real case studies of clients we’ve worked with, though we have changed their names to protect their privacy.

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Self managed super fund services


If you’ve decided that a self managed super fund is the right choice for you, our specialist advisors will guide you through the establishment process and get to know your investment goals. Our goal is to make it easy for you and ensure you have a full understanding of how it all works.


Superannuation legislation is complex and changing. We provide Trustees with the security of knowing that your administration and compliance obligations are in the hands of highly skilled, specialist SMSF accountants.

Deed Reviews

Your SMSF trust deed, together with superannuation legislation, form the fund’s governing rules and dictate how the fund can operate. Our specialists can review existing deeds to make sure they accommodate changed legislation and allow for your investment choices.

Investment Strategies

It’s a legal requirement to have an investment strategy in place when you establish a SMSF. But it’s not a set-and-forget document. Your investment strategy will need to be regularly reviewed over the life of the fund to ensure it meets your objectives.


The rules around SMSF borrowing can be complex and are subject to change.  Our advisors have over 20 years’ experience in SMSF legislation and can ensure your fund is compliant.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning is more than simply having an up to date will, particularly when you have a SMSF. Our estate planning advisors ensure you have peace of mind that the assets you’ve so carefully accumulated pass to the right people and in the most tax effective way possible.

Tax Planning

Our advisors engage in tax planning sessions with Self Managed Super Fund trustees each year to maximise the flexibility of the SMSF structure and minimise your tax position.

Pension Establishment

SMSF pension documentation needs to be consider legislative requirements, audit issues, and common law issues. So it’s important to get it right. We ensure your deeds and documents are up-to-date with regulatory requirements before and during the income stream phase.

You're in good company
We support hundreds of SMSFs and business owners to reach their financial goals.

"My wife and I have used the services of Marsh & Partners for over 30 years and our children have also followed suit. We are an average middle income couple, and they have always treated us with great respect and professionalism.
Marsh & Partners for us has been the difference between an average retirement and one which holds no fears. Their tax advice and property structuring has been extremely solid.
Our son utilises Marsh & Partners Business Improvement services to assist forward planning in his business, which has been extremely successful.
Their integrity is beyond reproach and we have no hesitation in recommending them."

Peter and Judy NisbetSelf-funded Retirees

"Marsh & Partners have been handling my financial affairs for approximately the last 15 years. It has been a working relationship I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Their knowledge, honesty, efficiency and integrity is of gold medal class. They install in me the confidence that what I’m doing is right. I couldn’t think of anyone else bar Mick and his team to entrust with my financial affairs."

Alan ThomasAlan Thomas Media Creations

"Pohlmans Nursery have had a close working relationship with Fred and the team at Marsh & Partners for over 19 years now. During this time, Fred has offered us accounting expertise to assist our business to grow. Fred constantly goes above and beyond by guiding our business in the right direction in making business connections for finance and family law as well as assisting on our Board of Directors.
Fred is a consummate professional and an expert in his field. Throughout our partnership with Fred and the team at Marsh & Partners they have offered us peace of mind in knowing that we have such a strong team of professionals taking care of all of our accounting needs."

Robert PohlmanPohlmans Nursery

"I have used Marsh & Partners for over twenty years. They take my worries, whether it be tax or cash flow or the pain of business compliance, and make these worries theirs. It is the feeling of relief when I hand these worries over and the feeling of certainty that they will be fixed without any major involvement from me that keeps me going back. "

Ashley TulleyCCO, McInnes Wilson Lawyers

"Marsh & Partners have been our accountants for the past 20 years and have provided exceptional service that transcends the expected norm. They understand the importance of connection and relationships and build these ethics into their deliverables.
Marsh also appreciate the value of community and have provided pro bono assistance to our charity endED.org.au for the past 3 years."

Mark ForbesCo-Founder, endED
Looking for SMSF resources?
Federal Budget
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2023-24 Federal Budget Summary
GENERAL ADVICE WARNING: This information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of this, you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness, having regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs.

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