Virtual CFOs are a game changer for business

The smart way to access financial management expertise

A Virtual CFO fills the Chief Financial Officer role in your business but works on a part-time or on-demand basis. It’s a smart option for businesses that need high-level financial management expertise but are not yet ready for a full-time CFO. You get all the same benefits and support of a traditional CFO without the commitment and expense of another staff member.

Our Virtual CFOs are accountants with extensive financial management expertise. They work with hundreds of businesses and understand the key areas which contribute to success or failure, surviving or thriving. You’ll have access to an expert who knows how to move your business forward and stay on track financially.

Think one accountant is pretty much the same as the others? We’re here to prove you wrong. Great business accountants provide hands-on help to keep you profitable and future-proof. Whether you need a little help, a lot of help or an occasional check-in, we can tailor a flexible solution for your unique requirements.

Susan’s business was growing rapidly and she was overwhelmed with stress.

It was clear that she needed a sounding board for the financial and strategic decisions of her business.  We set up a management board for the business which included Susan, two of her managers and our Virtual CFO as an independent board member.

This board now meets every month to review the financial performance of the business.  The board also meets six monthly to review and determine the future strategy of the business.

Susan is now feeling more in control of her business’s finances and future direction. Most importantly, her stress has been significantly reduced and she has the energy to manage a growing business.

A Virtual CFO in a board meeting

For start-up businesses, we can help with a Virtual CFO.  You don’t want to spend a lot of money on employing someone to do your books and you don’t have the time.  When would you fit that in at 11 o’clock at night?

We have a number of clients in this phase of their business that can’t yet afford a person in the business, so we step in to steady the finance ship. We do the bookkeeping but then we also discuss with you where you are at, what your cash is doing, what decisions we need to make to keep the business going.  Fifty per cent of start-ups fail in the first three years so having a finance professional on your team can ensure this risk is reduced.

Director Penalty Notices

Geoff’s business was growing revenue year after year. Their organisation was well structured to deal with all the functions in their business – production, sales, marketing, accounts and administration.

Their internal CFO became ill and needed to take leave for six months. They determined that they could utilise their existing staff for part of the role but would need a CFO on a part-time basis for the strategic and high level matters during this time.

A Marsh & Partners Virtual CFO was able to fill this role for the business and report to their Board of Management until the CFO was able to recommence his role in the business.

Start a business

Note: Names in client stories have been changed to protect their privacy.

a man standing on stairs

Guidebook: Know Your Numbers

Find out the key numbers you need to monitor and manage in this free downloadable guide.


How can a Virtual CFO help you?

Successful businesses don’t just happen, they are made to happen. It can be a struggle though to get your business to where you need it to be, particularly if you don’t have much experience in financial management. Our Virtual CFOs can change that for you.

When you bring in CFO know-how it’s a game changer. You can expect to see profitability improvements, greater efficiencies and tighter cash management. Most importantly, they know which levers to pull to steer your business through the inevitable highs and lows. In a nutshell, they safeguard the health of your business so it can continue to provide for you and your family.

If your business isn’t working for you, we help you get back in control and take charge of your future. We fix, we tweak, and we clear the path to a better business. The kind of business which will support your current needs and future goals.

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What does a Virtual CFO do?

Cash Management

A Virtual CFO will help you understand your current cash position and which levers need pulling to maximise cash flow and safeguard the health of your business.

Profit Improvement

One of the key reasons you’re in business is to make a profit. We’ll work with you to improve your bottom line and keep you on course.

Budgeting and Forecasting

We can prepare simple to complex business budgets and cash flow forecasts that help you plan and manage your business finances. When you’re in control, you’ll have the confidence to develop and grow your business.

Strategic Planning

Taking time to step back and think about your business objectively gives focus, direction and purpose to your everyday business activities. However, strategy without execution is meaningless. A Virtual CFO makes sure you stay on task.

KPI Management

We help you develop KPIs for your team and commit to accurately measuring and managing them once in place.

Business Value Improvement

Whether your plan is to sell, grow, or prepare for succession; we help you manage the factors that contribute to value and result in better exit outcomes.

Business Health Management

A business health check is a process to evaluate current business performance and develop strategies for improvement. We look at liquidity, solvency and profitability and make a plan to get you back on track.


Benchmarking provides insight into how well each aspect of your business is performing in comparison to others in your industry. A Virtual CFO will identify key business areas that need to be worked on and develop a plan to keep you competitive.

We've helped hundreds of clients to fix, grow and future-proof their businesses.

"Pohlmans Nursery have had a close working relationship with Fred and the team at Marsh & Partners for over 19 years now. During this time, Fred has offered us accounting expertise to assist our business to grow. Fred constantly goes above and beyond by guiding our business in the right direction in making business connections for finance and family law as well as assisting on our Board of Directors.
Fred is a consummate professional and an expert in his field. Throughout our partnership with Fred and the team at Marsh & Partners they have offered us peace of mind in knowing that we have such a strong team of professionals taking care of all of our accounting needs."

Robert PohlmanPohlmans Nursery

"Marsh & Partners’ 30 year experience in running their own business meant they quickly understood the needs of our organisation when engaged to provide virtual CFO services. They have been able to add just the right amount of expert support to help and mentor our team with monthly and annual financial statements, audit requirements, preparing budgets and forecasts. Marsh & Partners also attend board meetings and actively participate in strategy sessions. We are very pleased with the effectiveness of Marsh & Partners as our virtual CFO partner."

Chris Bridges-TaylorChairman, Queensland Manufacturing Institute Ltd

"We have been dealing with Marsh & Partners for 20 years now, not only for all of our accounting needs, but also with business mentoring, which has helped us grow our companies. Fred Patten has given us incredible support and encouragement in order to help us move forward in business, and has guided us through the highs and lows that come with being in business. He and his team have made it a priority to know all aspects of our business and meet with us regularly to discuss growth & development strategies. We trust the expertise of Marsh & Partners and know we will only continue to move forward with them into the future."

Sonya JonesDirector, Concrete Partners

"Marsh & Partners are more than an accounting firm. They truly understand small business, the levers you need to pull and the right time to pull them. Most importantly, they understand the emotion and the roller coaster that business owners ride on a daily basis. Their guidance is underpinned by the key metrics but melded together through general business advisory. Business is more than just numbers and Marsh & Partners understand that."

Ben WattsCEO, Watts Next

"I have used Marsh & Partners for over twenty years. They take my worries, whether it be tax or cash flow or the pain of business compliance, and make these worries theirs. It is the feeling of relief when I hand these worries over and the feeling of certainty that they will be fixed without any major involvement from me that keeps me going back. "

Ashley TulleyCCO, McInnes Wilson Lawyers
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