The ATO are changing the way they communicate and are moving towards using electronic channels as their preferred method of delivery for correspondence.
If you have set up a myGov account, and have linked the ATO to that account, you have agreed to receive ATO correspondence into your myGov Inbox rather than having that correspondence delivered to your tax agent. The ATO will send most of your correspondence via this method including:
- Notices of Assessment
- Statements of account
- Reminder notices
- Activity statements and instalment notices
Any mail received by you via your myGov Inbox will not be sent to us in paper form. This is the case even when the letter you receive has Marsh & Partners as the delivery address.
As Marsh & Partners will no longer receive correspondence on your behalf, it is essential that you monitor your myGov Inbox. The ATO has advised that they will notify you by SMS or email when mail is delivered to your myGov Inbox however we urge you to check your myGov Inbox frequently so as not to miss important payment and lodgement deadlines.
Note: myGov accounts are a way to obtain access to a range of government services and mail. They are for individual use and are not used for business purposes. Any ATO correspondence relating to your business is not affected by having a myGov account and all business mail will continue to be delivered via the method you currently have in place.
What do you need to do?
If you have linked the ATO to your myGov account, it is not possible to change your mail preference back to Marsh & Partners unless you choose to unlink the ATO from your account.
If you have a myGov account but it isn’t linked to the ATO, your mail preferences and delivery method will remain unchanged and Marsh & Partners will continue to receive, review and forward all ATO mail as usual.
If you do not have a myGov account, your mail preferences and delivery method will also remain unchanged.
Further help:
If you have any concerns about receiving ATO correspondence or your myGov account, please contact your regular Marsh & Partners advisor. You can reach us on 07 3023 4800 or at mail@marshpartners.com.au.