Draft legislation:  Sharing platforms to report to the ATO

From 1 July 2023, a new reporting regime will require platforms that enable taxi services including ride sourcing, and short-term accommodation to report their transactions to the ATO each year. From 1 July 2024, the regime will expand to include all other platforms.

While the legislative instrument for the reporting regime is still in draft (see LI 2022/D27), it is expected that platform providers will report their transactions to the ATO every six months.

What information on sellers will the ATO know?

The platforms will submit data on the sellers for transactions on their platform including:

  • ABN and business / trading name (where applicable)
  • First, middle and surname/family name (for individuals)
  • Date of birth (for individuals)
  • Residential or business address
  • Email address and telephone numbers
  • Bank account details

And, for platforms facilitating short-term accommodation:

  • Listed property name
  • Listed property address
  • Number of nights booked

In addition, the platforms will provide aggregate quarterly data on the value of transactions, industry types, total gross income etc.

The reporting regime does not include platforms that simply match suppliers to sellers and are not engaged in the transaction such as quotes for hiring tradies where the job is not accepted through the website.


Further help:

If you are unsure about how this affects you or your business, please get in touch with our tax team and we can assist you. You can reach us on (07) 3023 4800 or at mail@marshpartners.com.au.

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