From late March 2020, you’ll no longer be able to use AUSkey (a secure login identifier) or Manage ABN connections (your myGov account linked to your ABN) to access government online services on behalf of a business. Instead, these access methods will be replaced by myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manger.

If you currently use an AUSkey, you will need to:

Set up a myGovID:

This is the new digital identity provider to prove who you are online. myGovID is a portable credential on your tablet or mobile phone and solves mobility issues currently faced with the AUSkey system. Using myGovID, you will be able to use any computer in any location. Note that myGovID is different to myGov and cannot be used to access myGov yet.

Link your myGovID to Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM):

RAM lets you set up and manage who can act on behalf of your business online.

Once your myGovID is set up and linked to a business you can use it to log in to government online services such as:

  • Business portal – for businesses to report and manage their tax and superannuation.
  • Australian Business Register (ABR) – to update and manage authorisations at the ABR website.
  • ATO Access Manager – for customising access and permissions for ATO online services.
  • Employer support payment scheme – the online claim system for employers of defence reservists and self-employed reservists.

In time, this new method of access will extend to more government online services that use AUSkey or Manage ABN Connections.


Steps to transition to myGovID


1. Ensure your ABN details are up to date in the Australian Business Register

Go to the ABR website and select ‘Update your ABN details’. You can login with a myGovID if you have set one up or, until March, you can still use your AUSkey. If you have previously linked an ABN to your myGov account you can use myGov login credentials in place of an AUSkey.


2. Ensure AUSkey details are correct

If you have nominated other users to act on behalf of your business you should check if the issued AUSkeys are still correct. When you set up RAM, you’ll have an option to ‘Import AUSkey Users’ which will allow you to transfer permissions and preferences of your users. Reviewing the information first will ensure the correct information is imported into RAM. For more information on managing AUSkeys visit –


3. Set up your myGovID

You can download the free myGovID app from the official app stores listed below:

The myGovID app is compatible with most smart devices using:

  • iOS 10 or later on Apple devices
  • Android 7.0 or later

Desktop and browser-based versions of myGovID will not be supported, as access could be granted to anyone using the device.

Once downloaded, open the myGovID app on your phone and follow the prompts to complete your set up.  You’ll need to confirm your identity by providing details of identity documents. We recommend setting up your myGovID with two identity documents so that you attain ‘Standard’ identity strength. If you set up your myGovID with one or no identity documents you’ll only reach ‘Basic’ identity strength and this may limit the services you are able to log in to. You can use any two of the following Australian identity documents:

  • passport (not more than three years expired)
  • driver’s licence (including learner permit)
  • birth certificate
  • Medicare card

You can provide your identity documents by either scanning them using your phone camera or by entering the details manually into the fields provided. The app will then verify the details provided with the appropriate authority in a matter of seconds.


4. Link your ABN to your myGovID in RAM

Next you will need to link your myGovID with your ABN using RAM. To do this you’ll need to be the principal authority for the business or entity, such as:

  • a sole trader
  • an eligible individual associate listed on an ABN in the Australian Business Register (ABR)
    • a director or public officer of a company
    • a partner of a partnership
    • a trustee of a trust
    • an office bearer of a club or association

In future, businesses or entities with non-individual associates, such as trustee companies, will also use RAM.

You’ll use your myGovID to log in to RAM and link the ABN. Once linked, the principal authority can then set up authorisations for employees and others to act on behalf of the business who will then accept the authorisation in RAM.


5. Authorise employees and others to work online on behalf of your business in RAM

If you have employees or other individuals that access online services on behalf of your business, you will need to authorise them and set their access level in RAM.

Your authorised users will also need a myGovID to log in to RAM and accept an authorisation.

You can also import AUSkey users to create authorisations based on existing AUSkey details and permissions. This function is available until AUSkey is retired at the end of March 2020.

You can import:

  • Administrator AUSkeys – when Administrator AUSkey users are imported they become an authorisation administrator with full access to all businesses. Check their access and permissions have been imported correctly or if you need to customise their access.
  • Standard AUSkeys – when Standard AUSkey users are imported they become an authorised user
  • one AUSkey per person for an ABN (some users may have multiple AUSkeys for an ABN)

You cannot import:

  • expired or cancelled AUSkeys
  • Device AUSkeys
  • your own AUSkey – principal authority AUSkeys don’t need to be imported. Authorisation administrator AUSkeys need to be imported by the principal authority.

See the RAM website for more information about adding new authorisations and importing AUSkey users.


Further help

  • We have assisted clients through this process and to fix their credentials. If you require help with setting up, accessing or authorising users through myGovID and RAM, please contact our office and one of our team will be happy to help you. You can reach us on (07) 3023 4800 or at
  • You can find out more about working with Marsh & Partners here. As your Absolute.Account.Ability partner we’re on a mission to make your business life better. We’ll help you set goals for your business, devise an Action Plan to make them happen and meet with you regularly to ensure you stay on track.


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