Most business advisers will tell you that entrepreneurs start a business to have more control over their career, their financial future and their work schedule. These are certainly nice benefits, but the real reason people are willing to take on the risk and invest their time and money is because they’re passionate about what they do.

We all know that starting a business is hard work. But what we tend to overlook is that keeping it going — and keeping yourself going — is just as big a challenge. If your passion for business is being eroded by the day-to-day struggles of business life in a pandemic you’re not alone. I’m sure we’ve all had a moment over the past year when we’ve wondered if it’s worth the effort!

So how do successful entrepreneurs pick themselves and keep pushing on when the going moves from tough to seemingly impossible?  Here my top 5 tips to keep your entrepreneurial flame burning:


1. Start every day with your ‘why’

Every day, before you do anything, remind yourself why you started your business. It will help you stay motivated and engaged even on the days where it seems like all work, no fun.

Remember that your passion doesn’t just energise you, it inspires everyone around you to think bigger and do better.


2. Celebrate the little wins

When we go through the motions day after day we tend to lose sight of the big picture. Take the time to stop and acknowledge the progress you have made and celebrate how far you’ve come.

Being in business for the long haul requires pacing yourself and celebrating the little wins along the way.


3. Take breaks from your brain

A small or growing business can quickly turn into a beast that eats up most of your time. When you’re awake, you think of your business. Before you go to sleep, you think of what you need to do for your business the next day.

Sacrificing all your time to business activities will kill your enthusiasm. So, make time for a hobby that forces you to think about something else. Whether it’s a drawing class, going for a run or reading a book –  you’ll be switching off the business part of your brain and creating a more balanced life.


4. Build a network of like-minded business owners

Interacting with people who share the same passion and challenges is invigorating. Seek out like-minded people to bounce ideas around with, join social media groups and grow your support network.


5. Outsource and delegate

As soon as you can financially afford to engage help, do it. Figure out which parts of the business fuel your passion and which nick away at it. Hire or outsource someone to take over as many of the tasks that don’t bring you joy. You may not be able to get rid of all of the gritty work, but you can control the balance.


Further help

You can find out more about working with Marsh & Partners here. As your Absolute.Account.Ability partner we’re on a mission to make your business life better. We’ll help you set goals for your business, devise an Action Plan to make them happen and meet with you regularly to ensure you stay on track.

Not sure what needs tweaking in your business? We’d love to hear about what’s keeping you up at night and work out how to help. You can contact us on (07) 3023 4800 or at


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